u follow me,i follow u!!

stupid dumb dumb

grrr...OMG...my gaji cek lagi eyh this time..fuck off!pergghh berbulu je aku dengar..panas je hati ni..ape yang susah sangat that central to masuk my gaji into my account??whta's the problems dude??!tell me!!is it so damn hard to just credit it into my account??hah?nope rite!!i had done my job so it's ur turn to do ur job!arrrggh..ape pulak alasan die this time..aritu ko ckp kat aq gaji aq lambat sebab ko anta pakai cdc..so oke fine..i accepted dat stupid excuse..so this time..same excuse again..u said that she sent it using cdc..so why fucking her not send it by herself if she already knew that sending through cdc will takes forever..so what's the fuck is she doing..sengaje ke ko buat mcm ni..asal??hah..ko tau ark ape ko nampak ko mcm mane..aku nampkak ko PEMALAS..susah sangat ke ko nak anta sendiri..pejabat die bukannye kat u.s pown..kat k.l la pulaakk..ko ade kete..ko antala sendirir kat sane..ko sengaje je kan..pemalas!arggh..sekarang ni nak gi keje pown da tak ikhlas daa..lantaklaa..ko ingat gaji aku ko bole buat main-main..wey..aq ade limit jugak sabar aku oke..pasal gaji,aku boleh jadi manusia yg paling baik kat dunia and pasal gaji jugak aku boleh jadi manusai paling setan kat dunia oke..so this is the first and LAST ko kasi aku cek..aku nak lepas ni ko bank in gaji aku dlm account terus..no questions anymore at all!u buto!and aku harap this time with management yg baru,ade diferrence dgn yg lame..please this time consider ur staff feelings..beause put urself in our shoes..u will be mad also don't you?u will rite..damn fuck off..
p/s-vanished my dreams to shopping with mydear dearr..arrghh gian gle shoppng..shopping is like my cigaretttes..must have it no matter what..argghhh..


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whoaa orang-orang HOT berceritera